Aivia 210 AED Cabinet Digicode Protected with Audible Alarm

Only £450.00 £375.00
The Aivia 210 cabinet can be installed either indoors or outdoors to give your defibrillator a safe storage place depending on your needs.
  • Aivia 210 AED Cabinet with Audible Alarm

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What is the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet with Digicode Protection and Audible Alarm?

The Aivia 210 AED Cabinet with Digicode Protection and Audible Alarm is a storage solution for Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). It offers enhanced security and accessibility features, including three clear pictograms on the front face showing the rescue process. It is equipped with Digicode Protection, allowing access to the AED through a numeric code, and an Audible Alarm that is triggered when the cabinet is accessed, alerting people nearby and deterring unauthorised use or vandalism.

How does the Digicode Protection work on the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet?

Digicode Protection on the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet Digicode Protected with Audible Alarm involves a numeric keypad where a preset code needs to be entered to unlock the cabinet. This feature adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that the AED is accessible only to authorised people who know the code while allowing quick access in an emergency.

What maintenance is required for the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet with Digicode Protection and Audible Alarm?

Regular maintenance for the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet Digicode Protected with Audible Alarm includes checking the battery for the Audible Alarm and the Digicode system, ensuring the keypad is functioning correctly, and regularly testing the alarm system. It's also important to keep the cabinet clean and check that the AED inside is within its operational expiry dates and in good working condition. Following the manufacturer's maintenance guidelines will help ensure the cabinet is functioning and reliable.

What types of AEDs can be stored in the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet with Digicode Protection and Audible Alarm?

The Aivia 210 AED Cabinet is designed to accommodate most standard-sized Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). It features a spacious interior to store various AED brands and models. Verifying the dimensions of your specific AED model is always recommended to ensure it is compatible. 

Can the passcode for the Digicode be changed easily on the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet Digicode Protected with Audible Alarm?

Yes, the numeric passcode for the Digicode system on the Aivia 210 AED Cabinet can be changed. This allows for easy updating of access codes, which is useful in maintaining security, especially in environments where staff changes or turnover is frequent.