World Heart Day 2022

World Heart Day 2022

World Heart Day is a day dedicated to raising awareness of the rising concern for heart health and cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the day is to highlight actions that individuals can take to help prevent and control cardiovascular diseases.

Educating resources on controlling risk factors such as tobacco usage, diet changes and physical activities is spread throughout the worldwide campaign during which individuals, families, communities and governments alike are all encouraged to join in.

Each year, the focus theme changes, but remains in line with the global campaign to fight against CVD and inspire international action to encourage heart-healthy lifestyles across the world. This year's theme as per the World Heart Federation is 'Use Heart for Every Heart'.

"Use Heart means to think differently. To make the right decisions. To act with courage. To help others. To engage with this important cause. The heart is the only organ you can hear and feel. It is the first and last sign of life. It is one of the few things with the potential to unite all of us as people."

For Every Heart involves the use of “FOR” and swings the focus from the actions themselves to the beneficiaries of the actions, allowing for wider application of the campaign while also making it more personal. We want World Heart Day messages to reach as many individuals as possible to help achieve cardiovascular health for every heart."


Look After Your Heart Health

 A few changes and preventative measures for heart disease and strokes include:

A good night’s sleep: If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you’re increasing your risk of blood pressure, obesity and diabetes, all of which are risk factors of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Most adults require 7 – 9 hours’ worth of sleep every night, so getting a good night’s sleep can also help your heart.

Regular Exercise: Exercising regularly can help to strengthen your heart and circulation. To stay healthy or improve your health, adults require both aerobic and strength exercises. For adults aged 19 – 64, 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity is recommended.

Quit Smoking: Smoking tobacco cigarettes can raise your blood pressure and puts you at a higher risk of having a heart attack and a stroke. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for both your heart and overall health.

Limit the Drinks: Drinking can raise your blood pressure and increases your calorie intake, causing you to gain weight. Both of these factors put you at risk of developing heart disease.

Healthy Variety: Eating a balanced diet that includes all food groups in moderation will help to keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels in check.

Implementing just a few of these changes to your current lifestyle and encouraging others to do the same can significantly increase your heart and overall health and lead you on the path to a healthier lifestyle.


More Information

Keep up with the resources shared on Social Media today with the hashtag #WorldHeartDay.

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Image by Comfreak from Pixabay.